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Hoya australis lisa (hanging basket) - Plant

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Original price ₹ 349
Original price ₹ 349
₹ 349
₹ 349
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Images are for reference purposes only. Actual product may vary in shape or appearance based on climate, age, height, etc. The product is replaceable but not returnable.


Hoya australis lisa - Plant

Plant Specifications

*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my Hoya plant losing leaves?

Leaves fall off due to less watering to plant.
2.plant does not get proper sunlight.
3.Lack of Nutrient.
4.Disease infestation.

When do Hoya plants bloom?

It blooms rarely in the summer(April-June) season.

When to repot Hoya plant?

When plant overgrows in the current pot or not growing well at that time repot your Hoya plant.

How to plant Hoya cuttings?

Fill a pot with a well-drained potting mix to improve drainage. Water well, then set the pot aside to drain until the potting mix is evenly moist but not saturated. Select the healthy part of the plant and plant, Once the cutting is planted, the leaves shouldn’t touch the soil.

When to fertilize Hoya plant?

Fertilizer once a month with organic fertilizer in the spring, summer and fall season.

Why is my Hoya plant dying?

It is may be due to Insufficient light, less or overwatering and cold temperature

When to prune Hoya plant?

Spring and summer are the best times to prune hoya plant.

What soil to plant Hoya in?

Soil should be well-drained and nutrient-rich.

What do you feed Hoya plants?

Liquid-based organic plant food is most typically recommended for fertilizing a hoya plant. It is easy to apply and gets right to the roots where the plant can uptake nutrients. Once per month add the food to the irrigation water and apply it to the soil around the roots.

Do Hoya plants like sun?

Yes Hoya plants like sun, but not direct.

What does a Hoya plant look like?

This is succulent plant with multiple unusual shaped leaves, as you might be able to guess, looks like a bush of green hearts

Do Hoya plants flower?

Yes, Hoya plant bloom rarely.

Can Hoya plants live outside?

Yes, Hoya plant can live outside where indirect bright light is available.

Do Hoya plants like to be misted?

No, Hoya plants do not like misting.

Why is my Hoya plant turning yellow?

Hoya plant turning yellow because its getting too much light and less or overwatering

Why doesnt my Hoya plant flower?

There can also be a lack of nutrients in the soil and a need to fertilize the plant to boost its health. As well as make sure your plant is getting enough amount of indirect bright light.

Do Hoya plants need sun?

Sunlight is important for a Hoya plant, but indirect sunlight is best.

Should you mist a Hoya plant?

For cleaning the leaves and increasing humidity, misting is fine. but not when the plant is budding or in flower.

What makes a Hoya plant flower?

Hoya plant rarely flowers when enough amount of indirect bright light is available.

Do Hoya plants need fertilizer?

Yes, but only once a month during the active growing period.

How to grow Hoya plant?

To grow the hoya plant at home consider the following points.
1. Sunlight- At least 3-4 hours of natural indirect bright sunlight is required.
2.Soil- Soil or potting mixture should be well-drained, fertile and nutrient-rich.
3. Water-Water the plant when the 3-4 inch surface soil layer feels dry to touch.

Can Hoya grow outside?

Yes, the Hoya plant can grow outside the place where of natural indirect bright light is available.

Are Hoya plants succulents?

Yes, the Hoya plant is a succulent plant.

How to repot Hoya plant?

1.Find Right Size Pot for Hoya plant. When its time to repot a Hoya plant, look for a container thats about 2 inches (5 cm) larger than the one the Hoya plant is currently in.
2.Make the potting mix - Contents: Sand (50%), and anyone of the following in 50 % amount Perlite / Vermiculite / Cocopeat (50%).
3.Place a small amount of soil mix in the bottom of the new container. Carefully set the Hoya plant in the new container. If the bottom of the Hoya plant is not level with the rim of the pot, remove it and add a little more soil. Keep doing this until the Succulent is level with the rim.
4.Keep a day after repotting and then water. Use care when watering, since overwatering is one of the biggest problems with Succulents. Let the soil dry out completely between watering, avoid overwatering.

Can Hoya plants grow from cuttings?

Yes, Hoya plant can grow from cuttings

Do Hoya plants like direct sunlight?

No, Hoya plant requires 3-4 hrs indirect bright light

How to propagate Hoya plant?

We can propagate hoya plant through cuttings.

When to plant Hoya cuttings?

You can plant Hoya cuttings in summer(April-June) and spring(February-March) season.

Do Hoya plants like humidity?

Yes, for better growth hoya plant-like humidity.

Why wont my Hoya plant bloom?

It is may be due to nutrient deficiency and insufficient light.

Customer Reviews

Based on 96 reviews
Priyanka Nandanwar
Healthy Plants and Great Value

The plants were all healthy and the prices were very reasonable. I was impressed with the value for the quality.

lakshmi surapaneni
Very nice plant .

Very nice plant ...n very neatly packed

Roopa Mysore
M vry hapy wid d plants.

M vry hapy wid d plants..... its so b'ful ...... just want to know how often have to sprinkle water in it..

Nitin Sharma
Bit price is high but it's amazing plant

Bit price is high but it's amazing plant, sun is not required only lighting is enough at any conditions even room light is enough for this plant.

Acma Naveen Mittal
Great packaging.

Great packaging.... Plant was delivered in good condition.

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