Strychinos nuxvomica

19 Reviews
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₹ 249
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₹ 249
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₹ 249
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It is a medium-sized tree with a dense, rounded crown.The leaves have strong allelopathic properties.

Medium-sized tree up to 25 m tall; bole up to 100 cm in diameter; branchlets slightly short-hairy. Leaves opposite, simple and entire; stipules absent. Flowers are small, greenish-white, funnel-shaped, borne in small clusters at the end of branches They have a disagreeable smell.The wood is white hard, close-grained, durable.

Branches are irregular, covered with a smooth ash-colored bark. Young shoots are deep green, shiny. Fruit is about the size of a large apple with a smooth hard shell which when ripe is orange colored, filled with a soft white jelly-like pulp containing five seeds. The seeds are like flattened disks densely covered with closely appressed satiny hai The seed, bark, wood, and roots have numerous applications in traditional medicine. the fruit is used in both the Ayurvedic and Unani systems of medicine and is considered acrid, pungent, bitter, poisonous and heating. It is used as an appetizer, tonic, astringent, aphrodisiac and antipyretic, and it is claimed to cure leucoderma, blood diseases, itching, ringworm, piles, ulcers, anemia, jaundice, urinary discharges, joint pain, lumbago and weakness of limbs.

Plant Specifications

*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%

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