Grewia populifolia

20 Reviews
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₹ 249
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₹ 249
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₹ 249
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It is a very slow-growing, deciduous, thorny shrub, The plant (parts not specified) is used as a remedy for colds and chest complaints.

A shrub, with slender nearly glabrous branches. Leaves wide, subcoriaceous, roundish or oblong, subcordate or tapering at the base, obtuse or sometimes pointed at the apex & frequently thickened at the margins, glabrous above, slightly tomentose below, palmately 3 to 5 nerved, arcuate-veined.

Peduncles solitary or in pairs opposite the leaves, or terminal on short contracted branches dividing into 2 to 3 short pedicels or 1-flowered by abortion. Flower-buds angular, oblong, pointed. Sepals oblong, Petals oblong, emarginate, shorter than the sepals. Ovary villose. Drupe 1 to 4 lobed; lobes yellowish, smooth, the size of small peas, each with a 2-celled stone.

Plant Specifications

*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%

Grewia populifolia care

Grewia populifolia uses

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