Giant thorny bamboo, Bambusa bambos - Plant

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Bambusa bamboos, the giant thorny bamboo, Indian thorny bamboo, spiny bamboo, or thorny bamboo, is a species of clumping bamboo native to southern Asia.

It is a tall, bright-green-colored spiny bamboo species, which grows in thickets consisting of a large number of heavily branched, closely growing culms. It reaches a height of 10 to 35 m and grows naturally in the forests of the dry zones. Leaves are lance-shaped with a long pointed tip.

They measure between 15-30 cm long and 8-15 mm broad, with about 10 leaves in each compliment.

Plant Specifications

Plant Height 24 inch (61 cm)
Plant Spread 6 inch (15 cm)
*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common Name Giant thorny bamboo, Indian thorny bamboo, Spiny bamboo, and Thorny bamboo
Maximum Reachable Height 35-100 feet
Flower Colour Rarely
Difficulty Level Easy to grow

Planting and care

  • All dead and dying culms to be cut from the base leaving one/two nodes from the bottom and removed from the third year of establishment. Thorns to be pruned from the base of the clump every year preferably during the months of November to December.
  • Irrigate the bamboo plant regularly for 1 - 2 years of growth after that watering can be reduced.
  • Managed bamboo plant properly with routine pruning, thinning and cleaning, and by adopting proper sanitation measures, Bamboo usually escapes pest/fungal infestations.

    Giant thorny bamboo care

    It is propagated through seeds. sow the seeds in a pot when the temperature is 20 degrees C. Water the seeds regularly. Seeds will germinate in 8-10 days. Place the seedlings in the light shade until they fully establish.

    Plants can be propagated vegetatively by rhizome, culm and branch cuttings. The propagules are raised in a nursery and after they have produced roots and developed rhizomes they are planted out in the field during the rainy season in pits filled with a mixture of compost and soil.

    Sunlight Full sun to partial shade.
    Watering Water the bamboo plant moderately.
    Soil Grows best in a fertile, and moist soil.
    Temperature 20-30 degrees C
    Fertilizer Bamboo responds well to organic fertilizers like compost, vermicompost and dried farmyard manure.

    Giant thorny bamboo special feature

    It is a plant of Punarvasu Nakshatra.

    Giant thorny bamboo uses

    Ornamental Use:

    • It can be used as an ornamental fence

    Medicinal Use:

    • The plant contains high levels of silica and is used in many ways in Ayurvedic medicine
    • The root is astringent and cooling
    • It is used to treat joint pain and general debility
    • The leaves are antispasmodic and emmenagogue
    • They are taken internally to stimulate menstruation and to help relieve period pain
    • They are also taken to tone and strengthen stomach function, and to expel worms
    • The young sprouts, harvested as they emerge from below soil level, are taken internally to relieve nausea and indigestion
    • The juice of the plant is rich in silica and is taken internally to aid in the strengthening of cartilage in conditions such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis

    Culinary Use:

    • Its young shoot are harvested as they emerge from the soil and cooked as a vegetable
    • The sugary sap is made into a drink
    • Seeds are also edible
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