Dolichos biflorus

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₹ 249
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₹ 249
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₹ 249
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It is a well known medicinal plant in folklore for its medicinal properties. In herbal medicine, the seeds of it are mainly used as tonic, astringent, diuretic

Dolichos biflorus a branched sub-erect or trailing annual, with small trifoliate leaves, bearing, when mature, narrow, flat, curved pods, tipped with a persistent style. The pods contain 5-6 flattened, ellipsoid seeds, The plant is native of India and is distributed throughout the tropical regions of the Old World.

Ayurvedic herb used for the treatment of kidney stones, cough, asthma, piles. Recommended in asthma, bronchitis, urinary discharges, hiccoughs, ozoena, heart trouble and other diseases of the brain. Plant,used in measles, smallpox, adenitis, burns, sores. Seeds,astringent, antipyretic, diuretic. Decoction or soup is used in affections of the liver and spleen, intestinal colic, in leucorrhoea and menstrual disorders, urinary discharges. A valuable protein supplement.

Plant Specifications

*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%

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